a2i2 - Adaptive A.I. Inc.     <home> <previous newsletter>

21st February 2002

The project continues to expand, develop, and adapt...

We are looking forward to the arrival of David McFadzean and Tracy Lewis from their home in the great frozen North near Calgary, Alberta. For the near term, David and Tracy have found accommodations just across the hallway from the AiKommune!

With the core design and programming team established, we are now wrist-deep into coding the initial functionality of our AGI prototype: We've already completed our first 're-write', and achieved our first (very primitive) pattern learning.

From time to time, we may have specific technical and programming needs that could utilize the expertise of someone not currently on the core team. If you think you might be interested in hearing about these particular tasks, please subscribe to the a2i2Tech list. We envisage that initially such assistance would primarily be compensated with shares.

We are pleased to inform those who attended one of the inaugural AGI workshops that a free, limited-edition souvenir T-shirt will soon be available! Please contact Steve (specifying desired size) if you are interested in obtaining this one-of-a-kind artificial fashion statement.

Till next time,

Steve Dotson steve@optimal.org