CRON - Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition     <home> <other CRON topics>

Foods - Low-fat, very low saturated & hydrogenated fat, high fiber, medium protein.

Snacks (<100 cal)
Strawberries (& yogurt)
Cracker with (Cream-) Cheese, Applesauce, or Peanut Butter & Banana
Orange, Grapefruit ,or Banana
Broccoli & Mayo or Red Pepper
Carrots (& Boiled Soy Beans)
Frozen Yogurt
Salmon Teriyaki
Tossed Salad with Chicken
Grilled Vegetable Salad
Thai Lettuce Wraps (Cheesecake Factory)
Pat Se U (Rice Noodles & Broccoli & Egg)
Miso Soup & Sushi
Spinach Salad (& Tuna)
Strawberries with Yogurt & Granola sprinkles
Broccoli plus Tomato, Onion, & Marinara Sauce
Vegetable Salad with Mushroom (& Avocado)
Coleslaw (& Turkey Franks) (recipe)
Apple Strudel (recipe)
Bean Soup (with Turkey Franks)
Steel-cut Oats with Strawberries, Banana, Raisins, Cinnamon, & Milk
Corn or Popcorn
Fruit Salad & Yogurt (plus Cereal & milk)
Bread (or Bagels) with Lox, or Cottage Cheese, or Turkey Frank, or Peanut Butter & Banana


Treat CRON as a fun, positive learning experience – not a hassle. It's not about what 'I shouldn't do'.
Focus on advantages/ new delicious foods. Enjoy being able to discern more subtle textures & flavors.
Be generally aware of calorie & nutritional content of all foods you eat. Pre plan day with some great meals.
Discover ready-to-eat, prepared (incl. restaurant), or low effort healthy foods that you like.
Crowd out bad foods with good foods. Find foods & methods that you enjoy & that are practical.
Important: Have desirable food readily available, no junk food at home (Fruit on counter, veggies in fridge)
Only eat when you're hungry. Don't eat on the run. Eat slowly.
In restaurants, avoid starters & bread, and split a meal (& salad) or dessert with a friend.
Slow, steady, incremental lifestyle (& weight) change - not diet. Avoid 'binge' - fasting cycles.
If you can't give up undesirable foods (or excess quantities), very slowly reduce quantity. You will adjust.
Don't beat yourself up over limitations/ failures.
Remember that any increase in food quality or reduction in calories will benefit you.


Contrary to popular belief, hunger does not have to be a major feature of CR. Body and psychology adjust (the stomach seems to shrink!).
Different mechanisms will work for different people (and phases/ times):
Make changes slowly!
Reduce fat, (processed) sugar content, & portion size. Increase bulk of food (lots of vegetables).
Train yourself to leave food on the plate, and to throw food away that you don't like.
Many servings of liquid with snack (6-8 times 16-24oz)
Many small meals, or two larger meals.
Eat first meal later, or last meal early.